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none of your business

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none of your business 读音:英 [nʌn ɒv jɔː(r) ˈbɪznəs] 美 [nʌn ...

none of your business是什么意思your

none of your business 英 [nʌn ɔv jɔ: ˈbiznis] 美 [nʌn ʌv jʊr ˈbɪznɪs][释义]少管闲事;[网络]不关你的事; ...

none of your business是什么意思

none of your business [英][nʌn ɔv jɔ: ˈbiznis][美][nʌn ʌv jʊr ˈbɪznɪs]少管闲事;例句:1.None of your bus...

none of your business是什么意思your

none of your business [英][nʌn ɔv jɔ: ˈbiznis][美][nʌn ʌv jʊr ˈbɪznɪs]少管闲事。双语例句:1、Because n...

none of your business是什么意思your

none of your business 美 跟读 口语练习 不关你的事;别管闲事 双语例句 1.It's none of your business.这不关你的事。2.I said angrily. ‘It's none of your b...

none of your business是什么意思your

none of your business:没有你的业务 英][nʌn ɔv jɔ: ˈbiznis][美][nʌn ʌv jʊr ˈbɪznɪs]少管闲事;双语例句 1...

“none of your business”是什么意思?

【翻译】:不关你的事 【造句】:I am quite clear about it. it's none of your business .对此我很清楚,不必你来操心。That's none of your business !这跟你不...

none of your business是什么意思your

none of your business[英][nʌn ɔv jɔ: ˈbiznis][美][nʌn ʌv jʊr ˈbɪznɪs]少管闲事; You have spent the past six months working yourself up int...

none of your business是什么意思your

“None of your business”是一句英语短语,直译为“不关你的事”或“与你无关”。这通常用来表示某件事情不是某人应该关心或了解...

It is your business是什么意思?


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